Monday, December 15, 2008

1,923 pairs delivered!

Stoked On Socks update
As of Monday, December 8th
All socks that were donated throughout the last month have been delivered to these following locations:
Rescue Mission~392 pairs
Road Home Homeless Shelter~576 pairs
Volunteers of America~800 pairs
Wasatch Homeless Healthcare~155 pairs
Total donations=1,923!

Thank you ~I want to personally thank everyone who donated in any way.
Information~We are really excited about donating to Volunteers of America. They have vans that go out everyday at certain times to reach the people on the street (not all can stay in the shelter). Socks are the #1 needed item!
Reminder~We collect & deliver donations throughout the year, not just during the holidays. If you would like put a fundraiser together for work or church, please consider SOS.

5 happy thoughts:

Daybreaking Dickersons said...

Good job! That is awesome.

khepworth said...

That is so awesome!

Katie said...

you are always!

Marcae said...

Way to go. You guys ROCK! I can only imagine how appreciated those socks are.

Daybreaking Dickersons said...

So you made my dreams the other night. You started a non-profit to help the people living in Milcreek canyon who had an earthquake. You had a big room set up with random stuff. I went there with a friend, I can't remember who. She paid $5 at the door, then she got to fill a bag with stuff for a certain family in Milcreek. I didn't buy a bag for a family. I wonder if deep down that means I'm not a giver?