re-gift.I dare you. We're pro at this with Bryn.
She originally received this from a nice neighbor when she was born. Since then we have re-gifted it to her 5 times on various occasions. Every time she is so excited! It used to remain in the box until last Christmas when she asked us to take it out. She's played with it throughout the year, but don't be surprised if she opens it again on Christmas. I can't wait for her reaction.
Though this may work best with younger children, I still might try it on my guy.
watch this movie, again.
Though this may work best with younger children, I still might try it on my guy.
watch this movie, again.
9 happy thoughts:
Brilliant. 5 times, that is awesome!
We watched ELF again last night. It's still just as funny as the first time.
You really are SO dang smart!
I have such a bad problem buying too many toys
Now why didn't we think of that? Remember those toys I want to get rid of? Well the girls have decided that they are their new favorite toys... If I only would have been smart like you I would have put them under the tree and taken back all the other stuff I bought!
Mmm What's a candy gram? I want one.
You guys are hilarious. My favorite line from Elf:
"At least you have a Daddy. I was just rolled up one day and left out here in the cold." -Leon
"You did it!! World's Best Cup of Coffee. Great Job everybody! It's great to meet you.
One of my all-time favorite lines.
Smiling, it's my favorite! I like your dress, it's so purple-ly.
I've pulled the regift before and now I get teased by my sisters for that one.
Elf definately is our favorite Christmas movie too! I can't believe it has been so long since we have seen you- but since my mom (good ole cathy wagner)told me about your blog I will have to check in more often! our little family blog is
ummm... who WOULDN'T want to receive a work out instructor carebear multiple times???? seriously.
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