In case you don't know them, here is a little information. It is possible these boys are twin brothers who were separated at birth. Each time they are around one another, this theory is strengthened. Unfortunately (or fortunately), they communicate on a wavelength that no one else is "tuned-in" to.
Nicole exhibits the excitement we were all feeling as we left
for our "griswold adventure" to cut down fresh Christmas trees.
for our "griswold adventure" to cut down fresh Christmas trees.

Snow angels were made

Then there was a situation where we got stuck.
It is believed that this was intentional.
Don't put it past them.

Clark would be proud!
Life-long memories were made! The result of this adventure is standing/existing in our livingroom. I must warn you it is not pretty. It's bad, really really bad, and deserves it's own post.
11 happy thoughts:
Oh my gosh - that's hilarious!! Your tree can't be that bad!
Do you guys still have that awesome, huge, fake tree?
What a fun day! I love how manly Scott & Mitch were while digging you out of the snow. Guys love that sort of thing. Clark would be proud!!
I can't wait to see this tree.
What a great adventure! You always have great stories to share! Hope you holiday is going great! I still want to see a picture of the tree!
We're kinda looking for a new tree, now that we have the room! How much are you asking for it?
An ode to my favorite Christmas movie. Looks like you had fun! At least you got to see some snow... it just doesn't feel like Christmas yet. Remind me to tell you of my family's really bad tree year.
How fun to go cut down your own Christmas tree...I haven't visited your blog for awhile, but I'm love'n that family picture at the top. What a beautiful family! (Seriously,'re hair is covetous!)
I have missed our Thursday sessions, but I am still 'trying' to implement L&L. I am really going to need a refresher course; and I have recruited a lot of people in the neighborhood as well...Let's set something up for this spring!!!
Happy Holidays!
Love the adventure! I bet your tree isn't that bad - can't wait to see a picture of it!!
Love it! Looks like you guys had a great time together!
I think our tree might just top yours this year. We call it our "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree." It's in need of some serious love. It's definitely a sight for sore eyes, but it smells oh so good.
What a great memory for you guys!
BY FAR one of the best days ever! Even the Charlie Brown-esque tree is my favorite Christmas tree yet due to the grand experience.
I'm thinking the Nelsons need to come share in the warmth of the Charlie Brown tree and have a little Christmas Spirit night.
what happened to your bushy fake tree? I loved that thing. I love the journey of getting the real Christmas tree though. What a fun time.
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