...or at least by me & Marcae. We went to John Mayer (his performance was just ok for me) and I couldn't believe how many people weren't getting into it. We decided to take matters into our own hands, literally. Thanks for the fun Marc. We missed you Jamie & Miranda:(

We did find these orangies entertaining.
We did our best to make it lively.
No one was even dancing!
No one was even dancing!

After the concert we took a little detour to get some natural gas for
Marcaes' amazing car. I found this to be very entertaining.
Marcaes' amazing car. I found this to be very entertaining.

Ummm... is this true? Fills up her car for less than what one gallon of gas costs? It truly was a beautiful thing to experience. Thanks for letting me witness Marc.

Back to my reality.
It's only an old honda accord, not some crazy huge truck.
How can this be?
How can this be?

11 happy thoughts:
Oh, I missed you guys! I was there in spirit. Although I totally would have rocked the air guitar, I'm not sure what part I would have played in the hand-standing, though. Maybe I could have taken the picture?
I'm the girl who once cut her head open, requiring a dozen stitches, from falling on a NOTEBOOK. Gravity (along with coordination) is not my friend.
I'm glad you had a good time, though! Next time I'm there for sure.
Sure love ya!
I HATE GAS. However, I think we have to rethink our friendship if you don't think John Mayer is as incredible as I do :o). Just kidding. I pretty much melt when I hear his voice, so I couldn't tell you if it was the best concert ever. However, Colbie Callait? Seriously, Katie. I thought better of you.
This pleases me very much, the air guitar, the fabulous form on your hands stands, and last but certainly not least the stark contrast in gas payments. Wow, I'm pretty much buying a natural gas car tomorrow! I am now a believer! So didn't you miss me at the concert? :)
Can't wait to see you guys!
I am loving those orange pants as well. You should purchase some!
Good Times....Good Times!
Sorry to hear about the lame-o, too-mellow concert. I'm glad you gals attempted to spice up the boring crowd. Awesome pics and your hair is dah-ling.
Also, eeexxxuuuuuusse me!?!? Less than 4 bones for gas!?!? I hate/love your friend's amazing car.
How fun!
I think I need a car like Marcae's!
I love the rambling to different subjects. It makes me miss your company of chatting all night long about everything!!
if it makes you feel any better it's about 60+ for our minivan. Not sure on our police tahoe yet(at least 20+ more or so) lol. we looked into natural gas for it. if certified you can get about 3,000 back from the government BUT it's around 10,000 to convert. we tought it would be sooo sweet to have a car that takes both ng & g. I am so happy you guys had a fun time!;)
I'm so bummed I didn't know about this concert in time! At least half the people I know were there and everyone loved it! Glad you had a good time. Gotta love the air guitar! lol
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