Happy Birthday Bryn!
Officially 3 years old. Mitch & I always say we are done
teaching her, because she is already smarter than us.
Over the last month we've been asking Bryn
what type of b-day party she wanted.
One day she would say, "A princess party!"
The next day, "A spiderman party!"
So, I made the final call and came up with this...
...a princess spiderman birthday party!!!

Officially 3 years old. Mitch & I always say we are done
teaching her, because she is already smarter than us.

Over the last month we've been asking Bryn
what type of b-day party she wanted.
One day she would say, "A princess party!"
The next day, "A spiderman party!"
So, I made the final call and came up with this...
...a princess spiderman birthday party!!!

Her princess of choice this month, Ariel.
Don't know how she got into Spiderman? She's never seen the movie.
She partied with some of her cousins.
We'll probably start the friend parties next year.
Don't know how she got into Spiderman? She's never seen the movie.
She partied with some of her cousins.
We'll probably start the friend parties next year.

In my Dad's words (if he were here), "two knot-heads."
I love this girl! She has brought so much joy into our lives. Our lives changed forever the day she was born. All of the sudden there was an instant bond with this beautiful child that inspired us to live better, be happier, live life more fully, work harder, always strive to be close to the Lord, be kind, be good examples, and overall improve our quality of life by merely having her in it. We realized that we have a profound responsibility to positively impact her life, and I pray everyday the Lord will guide us in doing that. It was such an important and necessary transition when we realized life wasn't about us anymore, it was about her, and now them. We finally understand selflessness. Everyday we are so entertained by her. I feel so blessed to be her Mom, and I tell her that all of the time. Being a Mom is incredibly rewarding (those words don't do justice). I feel abundantly blessed to be married to Mitch and together raise our children. It is better than I ever imagined. Well, I guess with that all I can say is Amen.
BTW--she is high on sugar, and still not asleep.
BTW--she is high on sugar, and still not asleep.
11 happy thoughts:
Awww! Happy Birthday, Bryn!! She's so beautiful and grown-up!
Happy, happy birthday, Bryn! I LOVE the princess/spiderman cake. Definitely the best of both worlds.
July 25th is for sure the day to have a birthday! Happy Birthday Bryn! She is such a cutie pie. McKay keeps asking when he can play with her again.
Can I just say that she totally cracks me up!! I love the birthday theme...too funny! She is a little smartie pants. Happy birthday Bryn!
Happy Birthday Bryn! Anna was excited to see that Bryn is 3 now just like her. We need to get those 2 together soon to play. I'll call you this week sometime and we'll have her over.
Kenlie has been saying she wants a "princess/ super hereo party" for the last two years. I want to make capes that have a super man sign on one side and a crown on the other and haven't done it yet for all her little friends. Next year will have to be the year I guess. Glad she had a good time. Looks like it was just what she wanted.
I love Bryn! You really should stop teaching her- she makes the other kids in nursery look bad. I love getting to see her cute face in nursery. I always look forward to it because she always does something cute that surprises us!
No worries- you look adorable in a hat!
HB Bryn!
We need to get together lady! What do you say we have a girl's night out?!
I'm loving the cake, Happy birthday Bryn!
I am so happy that you had such a great birthday with Bryn! What a fun cake. Too cute. I can't even begin to tell you how much your little Bryn, full of life and imagination, reminds me of our Kailee-bug. Both being a family and parenting truly does hold such amazing treasures. Thanks for sharing. Big hug. ;)
I can't believe she is 3 years old. I still remember her first birthday party. You had the cupcakes forming a "1". It was so fun. She is beautiful. I miss you tons!
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