I am going to start my own preschool!
Many, many years ago in a land far away when I was a young-buck teaching pre-k in the "big city," I would often think of how fabulous it would be to run my own program. I feel so blessed that the opportunity has presented itself. If it isn't obvious, I am beyond excited!
Here are the stats...

Hands On
*A learning environment that incorporates developmentally appropriate practices.
*Learning centers (art, sensory, dramatic play, library, science, etc.)
*10 kids (9 spots are already filled!)
*Field trips throughout the year
There are nights when I lay awake in bed for hours, because I am thinking of a million ideas and I'm too excited to sleep. The next day is...not so pretty.
Thank you:
Many of you out there have encouraged me to do this and given me great support. Because of you, I actually found the courage to go through with it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Another confession:
Not sure who will have more fun, me or the kids?
23 happy thoughts:
Yay!! That is SO great!
I remember when Bryn was born and you said that you wanted to start a preschool when she was old enough.
I SO wish we could be a part of it!! :(
I'm super excited for you though!
Yeah Katie-
Congats! I wish we lived close so Lucy could go to you! You will be a great teacher and I am willing to keep wondering who will have the most fun.
Congrats! how exciting! I wish I was closer and could fill one of those empty spots with my little girl! (well, next year at least!) Let us know how it goes.
Anna is so excited to go to "Bryn's Preschool" next year. I know it will be awesome!
You are so ambitious Katie. that's great. Just this morning I was talking with some friends about preschools and how they are already full for next year. Amy (Zander) said I should teach one. i entertained the thought for a minute so it's funny to see you are starting one. It would be awesome to do it together again. I just have such a small apartment. Do you have to approve your house and have a separate entrance and everyting? It would be fun.
Good for you. That is awesome and exciting. YOu will make a fab. teacher.
I would sign Ruby up right this second if only we lived closer!! You are going to be amazing! I am so happy for you, keep making all of your dreams come true!!!
Katie you will be fabulous! I'm so excited for you and all those lucky kiddos! I wish we lived in Heber so Tyler could go, would you consider doing an extension site??
LOVE the confession- I will freely admit that it's ME! Preschool teachers rock.
What lucky kids to have Katie be their preschool teacher! Again, truely a talent.
p.s. love Bryn's poo quote!
Katie, this is perfect for you! I am so happy that you are doing this. I'm sure the other 2 spots will fill quick because, lets be honest, who wouldn't want you to be their kid's teacher?
Congrats, Katie! This is so exciting!!
Put Abby on your waiting list for 2011. You will be fabulous!
Kills me we live too far away for Edie!!
That is great!! I am wishing I lived closer, too!
So cool. You are amazing.
I wish that we lived in Heber so that our future kids could go to your preschool. By the way, we have a little one on the way!
Way to go! & Good Luck!
You will be amazing! Congratulations!
Uhhh...is Mia too young to be in your preschool? You are going to be such a fabulous teacher.
You will be awesome as I know first hand from you being my sped person! Wish I could be there and do this you...again! I hope those Heber people know...that YOU will be the best!
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