Posing for our photo, and preparing to photo bomb others.
nicole (dancing queen), amber,
katie, and
Apparently you needed blue wristbands to get in very front "dance pit" and
unfortunately for everyone we didn't have them (at first). A few songs into it, the stars all aligned and these blue beauties were acquired from those who were...shall we say...not completely cognitively aware. These were the tickets "in" and from this point on we
were the dance pit.
My band is official, stuck together with gum.
Nicole's is an
impostor, but it worked.
Nikki, your request was granted. Not only by me, but also by some other woman who we did not know.
13 happy thoughts:
What a great night! We need to do this more often! Thanks for the fun memories!
I'm glad that you had fun! I wish I was there dancing like a maniac. Unfortunately I just FEEL like a maniac trying to pack up and finish this darn house!!!! Not that I'm complaining or anything.
so fun to see you at the concert! my brother kent was like, i swear if i didn't know how old she was, and had 2 kids, i'd think she was 17. she'll look 17 forever! it made me laugh because he's totally right! you look fantastic! so fun to see you photo bombing... i was laughing my butt off. made me miss in young womens, and miss you! dont you just love jack? he is A-MAZING!
Oh, I so wish I could have gone! Why did Jack have to schedule his concert on Back to School night? It looks like you had tons of fun though. I love the fake wristbands... sounds like something I would do :)
I can't tell you how unbelievably jealous I am of you. I lamented last year that he didn't come, being that his concert was a tradition that Suzie and I wanted to keep up in our marriage. Then we move to Samoa and he comes back. We watched a DVD of one of his concerts in 2005 instead.
How do I never hear about concerts? I listen to the radio. What am I doing wrong? Sheesh!
I just read that there was lots of "free love" being practiced at this concert. Really, Katie, it's a public place. Did you have to? ;)
I love it! All four of us just LOVE Jack Johnson! As Chritina pointed out he is so real. Looks like you had a great time! ;) Thanks for sharing!
guess I definitely missed out, but you guys would have been sick of me complaining about being uncomfortable before we even got out of town....maybe next year! I'm seriously getting huge!!!!!
Well...aren't we quite the concet go-ers this summer??
Looks like soooo much fun!
I must be out of it..I know like 7 people who went to this concert & I don't think I have ever heard his music??
Gasp! Sigh! What? I know, Im lame!
So you don't even want to hear how I feel missing Jack with you, so I won't even start. Let me just say that I was devastated when I realized our tickets coincided w/ Jack's concert. I felt too guilty leaving Ry high and dry with tickets we already had. But even that night while I heard everyone reference the Jack concert throughout the day, I was actually kind of mad. Fortunately Ryan admitted appreciation for hanging with him that night, though he said I was stupid for not going. Any chance I could get a second chance for next year?
that makes me sooooo sad I missed it!!! It was my brothers b-day and he had actually just gotten out of jail and my mom wanted to have a little surprise party for him. I am trying to be a supportive sister and keep him out of the crappy stuff and good thing cause out of all the 6 siblings only me and one other brother showed up. Hopefully there will be another chance. and I will come by myself to meet up with you if I have to!!
Nathan's only regret about moving to Samoa was missing the concert. We were so bummed! We had been to every show he has done in Utah! It was a tradition for us, oh well. Our landscaper here sings pretty good.
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